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Showing posts from May, 2010

Don't Forget...

I'm not a fan of war as a tool of international relations. I like the saying, "If war were the answer, then there would be no questions." War makes more enemies than are killed or conquered. If someone killed one of my kids through an act of war, I would NEVER find it in my heart to forgive. In our middle eastern exploits, perhaps 500,000 civilians have died... that's a lot of hatred to face. However... my heart is in a different place tonight. We have sent thousands of our soldiers to fight in Afghanistan. These are sons, daughters, fathers, mothers... friends and family. I can't imagine a lonlier feeling than to be in those dangerous, inhospitible locales, risking one's life daily, and living in the most uncomfortable, unforgiving environment on earth -- believing that Amercan's citizenry had forgotten me, or no longer cared why I was there! It's our responsibility to know what our country's plan is ... and if we can figure that out, then we

Trivial stuff

Bombers in Times Square, floods in Nashville, financial chaos in the Euro-zone... yes, these things bother me. But not NEARLY as much as this things bothered me today. 1. That one bicycle rider . You know the one I mean... I'm stopped at the stop sign, a four-way. He's riding on the sidewalk, coming from my right. I start to pull out -- he jumps off the curb, without stopping, rides directly in front of me. I slam on the brakes. He's NOT a pedestrian -- he's on a dang vehicle and that's a stop sign!!! STOP fer cryin' out loud. 2. Probably the same guy, later in his car -- can't seem to find the turn signal. Ok ... I know it's really difficult to work the turn signal. You have to actually move your arm forward a few inches, flex your withered muscles to touch a probably disease ridden lever... and for what? You know you're going to turn so what's the difference. HEY!!! I DON'T KNOW YOU'RE GOING TO TURN! And I'm making potenti

How to Make up Stories for Your Kids

How to Make up Stories for Your Kids (and Grandkids)   I'm going to tell you how to make up stories for your kids, grandkids, etc., that they'll love and will forever etch out your place in their lives. In addition, these stories will put ‘em to sleep at bedtime, and keep them quite as a Packard straight-eight when in the car.   I don't have an English Degree... never wrote a novel. My skills in this department were initially garnered from my Dad who told me similar bedtime stories when I was a kid, permanently damaging my mind, no doubt. I then honed this creative cutting edge with stories for my own three kids. Now I’ve extended into grandkids, nieces and nephews… even other people’s kids, so watch out.   This is a recipe, or a template, not a fill in the blank. You have to make up the characters, plot, dialog, etc. It requires little or no skill, effort, imagination or intelligence… perfect for the average, worn out, nearly brain-dead working parent.