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Showing posts from January, 2018

A Set of Beliefs on Interesting Questions - A Response

Just in case you're expecting Buzzfeed, Reddit, or Gawker , you're in the wrong spot. This is just a humble response -- maybe an extension -- to another humbly offered blog entry: Big Thick Glasses Blog I encourage you to read this entry... and to think about it. In fact, read it first -- otherwise, my blog won't make much sense. There are no dancing babies (I really don't like the dancing babies), or cute cats (I really DO like cute cats.) But I think we spend way too much time mindlessly absorbing entertaining images and much too little time in looking inward. I'm going to split this into two blog entries. The first, this one, will offer some extensions, challenges, and critique of BTG's (Big Thick Glasses) original post, one item at a time. The questions in this blog are BTG's. Here goes. Have we been visited by Aliens; are UFOs alien spacecrafts? There has not yet been credible, tangible evidence to indicate that UFOs are alien spacecrafts. P